Alarms lists

Alarms lists

In the Alarms app click the Lists button  on the left sidebar to open the Lists page. 

This page is the default page to work on existing alarms.


The page consists of several areas:

  • On the left hand side the project tree appears.
  • On the right hand side three tabs appear: New List, Old List, and History - each of them with a list of alarms.
  • The status bar in the upper right corner shows active alarms grouped by priority.

Tabs and lists

Click on New List, Old List, or History to switch between the tabs and their alarm list.

The lists provide functions for sorting and searching:

Click on the column header to sort the list or to apply filter criteria.

New list

An alarm appears in this list when its condition evaluates to true.

Actions to perform



The alarm will be suppressed for a certain time. The user can provide an optional comment. Suppressed alarms appear in the Old List with state NEW.


The alarm will be acknowledged with an optional comment. Acknowledged alarms appear in the Old List with state ACK.

DetailsShows historical details of the alarm.

Old list

An alarm appears in this list when its condition evaluates to false, or the alarm was suppressed or acknowledged.

Actions to perform



The alarm will be suppressed for a certain time. The user can provide an optional comment. Suppressed alarms appear in the Old List with state NEW.

ReleaseRelease a suppressed alarm.


The alarm will be acknowledged with an optional comment. Acknowledged alarms appear in the Old List with state ACK.

ArchiveMoves the alarm to the History list.

DetailsShows historical details of the alarm.

History list

This list shows the history of all existing alarms.

Actions to perform



Exports the history list to Excel considering sort and filter criterias. 

Alarm states

Status bar

The status bar shows the number of alarms grouped by priority.

Shown in brackets: the number of alarms having state NEW which were not suppressed.

ColorAlarm priority
redhigh priority
orangemedium priority
yellowlow priority

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