User management

User management

Click the Users button  on the left sidebar of the dashboard to open the Users page. 

* indicates a required field.


The page consists of several areas:

  • On the left hand side the list of users appears.
  • On the right hand side the properties of the selected user appear and some of them can be edited there.

Toolbar functions

The functions on the page depend on the role of the logged on user.

Function Description

Add a new user (requires the super administrator privilege)

Delete the selected user

Switch to multi-select mode

Refresh page


On (default): the user can login. 

Off: the user cannot login.


Username; has to be unique in the system. 
Full NameFull name of the user.
Authentication Type

Internal (default):


DescriptionDescription of the user (company, department, ...).

Display language of the Web Manager and the visualization webserver.

Browser settings (default): use the language setting of the browser or select a language to override.

Date format

Date format as displayed in the Web Manager.

Browser settings (default): use the date format of the browser or select a date format to override.

First day of week

Default (default): use the first day of week settings of the default user account of the operating system.
Typically NETx services run with the privileges of the Local System account. To change the first day of week for the Local System account change the registry key: Computer\HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International\iFirstDayOfWeek

Select a weekday: override the default settings.

This setting affects

  • Scheduler app: calendar view
  • Trending app: chart view of trending and chart objects
  • Metering app: calculation chart
Default page size

since 4.2.2010

The default page size for paged lists.

GroupThe group to which the user belongs. Groups have to be created in advance.
Default role for all apps

The role of a new user that is applied to all apps.

Possible values:

  • No permissions
  • Viewer
  • Manager
  • Administrator

For details see Web Manager permissions. This field is only visible while adding a new user.

PasswordPassword. The password is case sensitive.
Confirm passwordPassword confirmation.

Valid from - Valid to 

The time range when the user is allowed to login.

Super Administrator

On: the user is Super Administrator and can add other users. 

Off (default): no Super Administrator

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