LaMPS module extension for visualization: gateway template
The Gateways template is used to visualize the information at gateway level i.e. you will get dedicated control elements for each gateway.
Table view
For using a table view, select Modules > LaMPS > Gateways > Table … The following configuration dialog will open:
Table template: here you can choose the template. The default one is NETx1. However, you can create your own templates.
Start Location: Here you have to select the starting point in your item tree structure. All DALI gateways that are within this tree structure will be shown.
Include Sublocations: if activated, all sub elements will be considered too.
Start Gateway: here you can specify which gateway shall be shown first.
Number of Gateways: enter the number of DALI gateways that you would like to show.
Gateways per page: number of gateways for each page.
Position ( top, left ): initial position of the visualization elements.
Row gap: gap between the rows of the table
After pressing ok, you will get 4 elements: the table itself and one pop-up group.
The table gives an overview of the DALI gateways within your selected location:
When you press the Details button of a DALI gateway row, the Gateway pop-up group will appear. It contains the detailed information of the gateway:
Array view
For using a array view, select Modules > LaMPS > Gateways > Array … The following configuration dialog will open:
Gateway template: here you can choose the template. The default one is NETx1. However, you can create your own templates.
Location: Here you have to select the starting point in your item tree structure. All DALI gateways that are within this tree structure will be shown.
Include Sublocations: if activated, all sub elements will be considered too.
Start Gateway: here you can specify which gateway shall be shown first.
Number of Gateways: enter the number of DALI gateways that you would like to show.
Column number: number of gateways in one array row.
Position ( top, left ): initial position of the visualization elements.
Column gap: gap between the array elements.
Row gap: gap between the rows of the array.
After pressing ok, you will get the array elements and the gateway pop-up group.
The array elements can be moved to any place at the visualization page. E.g. you can distribute them over a floor plan:
When you click on an array element, the Gateway pop-up group will appear. It contains the detailed information of the gateway: