Tools menu
Menu item | Description |
KNX telegram history explorer… | Starts the KNX Telegram History Explorer, with which the logged telegrams can be analyzed. |
Execute LUA script… | Opens a new script editor window to immediately execute a LUA script. Multiple windows can be opened – each time this menu entry is clicked, another window gets opened. Hit the Execute button to run the script, click Cancel to close the window. The example below writes a message to the system log: |
Load XCommand… | Loads an XCommand manually into the Core Server cache to allow execution. Generally, XCommands are loaded during Core Server startup. Use this operation to use the selected XCommand without the need of a server restart. |
Run XCommand… | Runs an XCommand. In the dialog that gets opened the user selects the XCommand to be executed and sets both required and optional inputs, outputs and parameters. |
Options… | This entry will open the Studio Options menu to adjust the behavior of the NETx BMS Core Studio. The following parameters are available: