Workspace menu

Workspace menu

Menu item


Menu item



Creates a new workspace. The new workspace directly derives from the Default workspace. The workspace name will be used as a directory name in the Core Server's WorkspaceFiles directory. Therefore, special characters (:, ;, /, \, |, >, < etc.) cannot be used. The Core Studio stops the Core Server if it is running, creates and switches to the new workspace. The new workspace is now ready for configuration.


Opens an existing workspace. The Core Studio stops the Core Server if it is running, opens and starts the new workspace.

Save as...

Saves the current workspace to a new workspace. All relevant files of the source workspace are copied into the new one. The server will be shut down and the new workspace will be loaded. Afterwards the server will start the new workspace.


This deletes irrevocably the selected workspace with all its files, content, data, and directories. The currently opened workspace cannot be deleted.

It is strictly not recommended to delete the "Default"-workspace since all new workspaces derive from it.


Exports the current workspace to a file of the type .sew4 (Server-Exported-Workspace v4). This file can be imported by any other NETx BMS Core Server.


Imports a .sew4 export file into a new workspace. After the import the Core Studio opens the new workspace and starts the Core Server.

Generate Support File...

Collects support information in a .sup4 file which can be analyzed by NETxAutomation's support team.


Closes the NETx BMS Platform Core Studio. The Core Server will remain in its actual state and is not affected by closing the Core Studio.

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