NETx BMS App Secure for ETS

NETx BMS App Secure for ETS

To import the configuration of a KNX project into a management application like an OPC server, the ETS offers an export function called "Export OPC". This export functionality provides only basic information about the KNX installation.

The NETx BMS App Secure is a user-friendly way to import the entire KNX project and its meta-information into the NETx BMS Platform Core Server. The output of the NETx BMS App Secure for ETS is an enhanced export file that contains the used KNX group addresses, the deployed KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces, and the full ETS project structure including the network topology (areas, lines, devices, and communication objects) as well as the building and trade view.

In addition, the app detects the configured IP addresses of the KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces. For KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces that support KNXnet/IP Security, the necessary security configuration is exported, too. Based on the topology of the KNX project, the app automatically assigns the KNX group addresses to the respective routers and interfaces that are later used to access them. Thus, a manual, time-consuming and error-prone assignment of the KNX group addresses to the KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces is not necessary anymore. Using the NETx BMS App Secure, the entire KNX project including the well-known ETS view can be imported into the NETx BMS Platform Core Server in a fast and intuitive way.

All ETS apps have to be validated by the KNX Association. In addition, an ETS app can only be installed with a valid ETS license (ETS lite, ETS Pro or ETS Supplementary) – ETS apps cannot be used with the demo mode of ETS. The following steps explain how the NETx BMS App Secure can be installed within your ETS installation.

How does the NETx BMS App Secure work?

During the export, the app searches for all communication objects of all devices in all lines which are connected to KNX group addresses. The KNX group address is the identifier to communicate with the communication object. Since we use IP we also need to know the IP address of the KNXnet/IP router or interface that we have to use. So, to communicate with a communication object we need both the KNX group address and the IP address.

The ETS App automatically searches for routers and interfaces that have a static IP address set. It searches first in the KNX line where the group address is assigned. If no valid router or interface is found, it searches within the main line. If still nothing was found, it searches within the backbone. If there is also no router or interface with a static IP address, it will ask you to enter one. Here you have the opportunity to enter a new IP address or choose an existing router or interface.

This is the correct and most reliable way to import KNX data. Although the Core Server provides the BROADCAST gateway that sends to all gateways simultaneously, using the BROADCAST gateway should be avoided. The reason is that BROADCAST means “all KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces together”. This in turn means that if you send a telegram from OPC to a group address that is assigned to BROADCAST, the BMS server sends a group telegram to EACH gateway. If you have 50 gateways it will send 50 telegrams to each router. Since KNXnet/IP routers also forward telegrams between their lines (based on filtering), this generates a lot of traffic there. Therefore, BROADCAST should only be used if KNXnet/IP routing (routing between KNX lines) is not activated.


Get the NETx BMS App Secure and a license for free from my.knx.org and go through the installation process.

  1. Open the KNX online shop located at https://my.knx.org and log in with your KNX account. Use your KNX account name (starting with "KNX") and your password.

  2. Although our NETx BMS App Secure is free of charge, you have to "order" it within the KNX online shop. Change to the tab "Shop" and then to "ETS Apps". Locate our the NETx BMS App Secure within the list of available apps. The easiest way is to select the category "Project Export". Click on the "Buy" button to add it to your basket.

  3. Then click on the "basket" and press "Checkout" to start the ordering. Follow the instructions of the ordering wizard. As mentioned before, the NETx BMS App Secure is completely free of charge. However, you have to finish the ordering process to get a valid NETx BMS App Secure license.

  4. After having finished the ordering process, change to the tab "My Products" and locate the NETx BMS App Secure within your product list. Next, download the ETS app installation package. This is done by clicking on the button "Download". You will get a file called "nxaETSBMSAppSecure.etsapp". Store it on your hard disk.

  5. Install the ETS app to your ETS: Open the ETS and click on "Apps ... active" within the bottom right corner of the status bar of ETS. Within the list, click on the "+" button and select the installation packages "nxaETSBMSAppSecure.etsapp" that you have downloaded before.

  6. Although our NETx BMS App Secure is free of charge, a license has to be installed. This license is coupled to your ETS license. Therefore, it is only possible to use an ETS app if you have valid ETS license (lite, professional or supplementary).
    First, the dongle ID of your ETS license has to be determined. Open the ETS and click on "License ..." within the bottom right corner of the status bar of ETS. Within the license dialog, you will find your dongle ID (starting with "KNX- ..."). Copy the dongle ID to the clipboard by pressing the "copy" button and write down the dongle ID.

  7. Now, go back to KNX online shop which your web browser (log in again if you have been logged out in meantime). Change to "My Account" and to the tab "My Products", and locate the NETx BMS App Secure within your product list. Within the column "Product License" paste in the dongle ID. Afterwards, click on the button "Add Key". This will generate a new license file which can be downloaded via the link that is named after your dongle ID. Download the ZIP file and extract it on your hard disk. You will get a file with the extension ".license".

  8. Now go back to your ETS. Click again on  "License ..." in the bottom right corner of the status bar of ETS. In the license dialog, click on the "+" button and select the license file that you have downloaded before. If everything is working you will find a new entry "NETx BMS App Secure".

  9. Close the license dialog and click again on "Apps ... active" within the bottom right corner of the status bar of ETS. Within the apps list, you should find now our NETx BMS App Secure as active with a valid license.

Starting the NETx BMS App Secure

After installation and licensing of the NETx BMS App Secure, the NETx BMS App Secure should be available within your ETS. Open any ETS project and open NETx BMS App Secure panel, which can be found in the panel menu under "NETxAutomation Software GmbH".

The user interface of our NETx BMS App Secure will be shown.

To learn how our NETx BMS App Secure can be used, please take a look at our tutorial KNX 1

Further information








Aug 27, 2024


  • LaMPS export: Support for new Schneider and MDT DALI gateways.

  • LaMPS export: Support for Hager TW DALI gateways.

  • LaMPS export: export of DALI groups of Gira gateways

  • LaMPS export: add DALI device numbers to the gateway definition if a device name mapping is created.


  • LaMPS export: group address of additional function may be linked to wrong gateway – fixed.

Jan 16, 2023


  • LaMPS Export: Support for ABB DG/Sx.64.5.1 app version 2.0.

  • Support for Hager router TH210


  • NETx BMS Server 2.0 export broken – fixed.

Dec 20, 2021 

New features

  • LaMPS Export: switching, brightness and operating hours counter objects can be exported for Insta DALI gateway and its variants now.


  • Use line prior to main line and backbone for group address assignment


  • LaMPS Export: possible wrong data type export for Siemens gateways – fixed.

  • LaMPS Export: possible wrong data type export for IPAS DALI gateway and its variants – fixed.

  • Option " "Export multiple group addresses" was broken – fixed.

Jul 12, 2021 


  • Unassigned KNX group addresses are exported as comments now

  • LaMPS Export: Support for Siemens gateways Twin plus N 141/21, plus N 141/03 and Twin N 141/31 with new firmware.

  • LaMPS Export: detected emergency lights are added to gateway device list now.


  • Group addresses of devices with module configuration are not detected – fixed.

  • LaMPS Export: DPT mapping of Siemens KNX/DALI Gateway N 141/03, N 141/21, N 141/31 is faulty – fixed.

Feb 4, 2021 


  • LaMPS Export: Support for ABB DG/S and ABB DG/S

  • LaMPS Export: Support for Theben DALI-Gateway KNX plus, DALI-Gateway S64 KNX and DALI-Gateway S128 KNX

  • Improved user message if no assigned group address is found.

  • Redesign of GUI selection options

  • Add project name to gateway location

Apr 20, 2020 


  • Manually added KNXnet/IP routers are not saved correctly – fixed.


  • Added support for NETx MP Server

  • Group address assignment: normal KNX lines have a higher priority than main lines or backbone

  • Support for new Zennio KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces

  • LaMPS Export: Support for new Ipas, Schneider, Merten and MDT gateways

  • LaMPS Export: Support for Legrand gateways

  • LaMPS Export: Support for new application version of Siemens gateways

Apr 8, 2019 


  • LaMPS Export: Support for new Jung gateways

  • LaMPS Export: Support for Eelectron gateways

  • LaMPS Export: Support for HDL gateways

  • LaMPS Export: Support for B.E.G. gateways

Dec 17, 2018 

New features

  • Support for Zennio IP routers and interfaces added


  • LaMPS Export: assignment issue of KNXnet/IP routers fixed

  • Possible wrong selection for manually added KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces fixed

Mar 30, 2018 


  • LaMPS Export: Support for Siemens N141/02 added

  • Support for BMS Platform added


  • LaMPS Export: Missing ABB DG/S x.64.1.1 DPT Mapping added

Dec 5, 2017 


  • LaMPS export: path for emergency mapping was missing

  • LaMPS export: missing DPT information for Siemens gateways


  • LaMPS export: support for Zennio and EAE gateways added

  • LaMPS export: logging output for unused gateways added

Oct 12, 2017 

New features

  • Export of Secure KNXnet/IP routers and interfaces

  • Export of KNX/DALI gateways for NETx LaMPS module

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