Synchronization with Fidelio/Opera database

Fidelio/Opera First steps

You will find the menu entry “Fidelio/Opera” within the “Modules” of the NETx BMS Core Studio. Here you find two definition files:

  • Driver Configuration: Here you have to set the IP address and port number of the Fidelio/OperaServer. The other parameters can be left as default or have to be set according to the Fidelio/Opera configuration. You will get more information from the Fidelio/Opera integrator who is installing the IFC interface at Fidelio/Opera side.
  • Room Definition: Here all rooms have to defined. Important is the first column. This must be the same room number that Fidelio/Opera is using. Normally you get the list from the Fidelio/Opera integrator.

Update on Reconnect

Normally, Fidelio/Opera is only sending new checkins/checkouts – the current state of all rooms is not sent after connecting to Fidelio/Opera.

However, there is a possibility to initiate a database resync of Fidelio/Opera after connecting to it. First, you have to activate “Enable Update on Reconnect” within the configuration of our BMS Core Studio. This is done in the BMS Core Studio via “Modules” à “Fidelio/Opera” -> “Driver Configuration …”. Please find enclosed a screenshot (Fidelio_Update.png).

Then you have to active the resync option within the Fidelio/Opera Interface (called IFC) – otherwise Fidelio/Opera will ignore resync requests from our BMS Core Studio. To activate this option, you have to change the configuration of the IFC. This can be done by the Fidelio integrator or if you have access to the configuration of the Fidelio Interface, you can enable it. Please find attached a screenshot where you can find how you can enable it (Fidelio_Datasync.png). You have to set the DataResyncOption to 0 (XML Configuration -> IFC1 -> Application Layer --> FIAS).